Metamask logoMETAMASK
BitGo logoBitGo.
Coinbase logo
Trust Wallet logoTrust Wallet
Exodus logoEXODUS
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Whychoose us?

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A collection of 890 unique Nerkos built to go beyond the digital space.

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The nerko's collection includes dozens of rare costumes ands colorways of artist's.

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Tasty design resources made with care for each pixel. NFTs and game resources.

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Be part of a community of nerko owners and create user generated items.

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How itworks!

Setup and connect your wallet. image

Setup and connect your wallet.

Use Trust Wallet, Metamask or any wallet to connect to multiple chains the app.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Metamask or any wallet ipsam temporibus.

Learn more

Create your own digital artwork

Quality comes first. we took our time to plan out everything and build our production pipeline for a good quality artwork's & digital artwork.

Starting the production on the procedurally generated planets and the smart contract for minting.

Learn more
Create your own
        digital artwork image
Choose a
        platform to sell
        your NFT image

Choose a platform to sell your NFT

Earn ETH and BIT for all your NFTs that you sell on our marketplace.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Recusandae doloremque a officiis quasi autem!

Learn more
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Never miss a drop!

Subscribe to our super-rare and exclusive drops & collectibles.

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phase 01


Quality comes first. we took our time to plan out everything and build our production pipeline for a good quality artworks.

  • check iconRelease website and logo
    check iconGrow community
    check iconLaunch the project
  • phase 02


    Quality comes first. we took our time to plan out everything and build our production pipeline for a good quality artworks.

  • check iconRelease website and logo
    check iconGrow community
    check iconLaunch the project
  • phase 03


    Quality comes first. we took our time to plan out everything and build our production pipeline for a good quality artworks.

  • check iconRelease website and logo
    check iconGrow community
    check iconLaunch the project
  • phase 04


    Quality comes first. we took our time to plan out everything and build our production pipeline for a good quality artworks.

  • check iconRelease website and logo
    check iconGrow community
    check iconLaunch the project
  • phase 05

    new nfts

    Quality comes first. we took our time to plan out everything and build our production pipeline for a good quality artworks.

  • check iconRelease website and logo
    check iconGrow community
    check iconLaunch the project
  • phase 06


    Quality comes first. we took our time to plan out everything and build our production pipeline for a good quality artworks.

  • check iconRelease website and logo
    check iconGrow community
    check iconLaunch the project
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    Meetthe artists

    Steps Jobs


    Code Rometty


    Dash Gates


    Byte Barra

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    Your questions,answered!

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    Let's start minting

    Invest and manage all your NFTs at one place.